The prostate is a male reproductive gland that produces the fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation. It surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine passes out of the body.An enlarged prostate means the gland has grown bigger. Prostate enlargement happens to almost all men as they get older. As the gland grows, it can press on the urethra and cause urination and bladder problems.
The actual cause of prostate enlargement is unknown. It is believed that factors linked to aging and the testicles themselves may play a role in the growth of the gland. Men who have had their testicles removed at a young age (for example, as a result of testicular cancer) do not develop BPH. Similarly, if the testicles are removed after a man develops BPH, the prostate begins to shrink in size.
Some facts about prostate enlargement:
• The likelihood of developing an enlarged prostate increases with age.
• BPH is so common that it has been said, that all men will have an enlarged prostate if they live long enough.
• A small amount of prostate enlargement is present in many men over age 40 and more than 90% of men over age 80.
• No risk factors have been identified other than having normally functioning testicles.
Less than half of all men with BPH have symptoms of the disease, which include:
• Slowed or delayed start of the urinary stream
• Weak urine stream
• Dribbling after urinating
• Straining to urinate
• Strong and sudden urge to urinate
• Incomplete emptying of your bladder
• Needing to urinate two or more times per night
• Urinary retention (complete inability to urinate)
• Incontinence
• Pail with urination or bloody urine (these may indicate infection)
Exams and Tests
After taking a complete medical history, it is good to perform a digital rectal exam to feel the prostate gland. The following tests may also be performed:
• Urine flow rate
• Post-void residual urine test to see how much urine is left in your bladder after urination
• Pressure flow studies to measure the pressure in the bladder as you urinate
• An IVP (an x-ray study) to confirm BPH or look for blockage
• Urinalysis to check for blood or infection
• Urine culture to check for infection
• A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test to screen for prostate cancer
• Cystoscopy
In addition, you may be asked to complete a form to evaluate the severity of your symptoms and their impact on your daily life. Your score may be compared to past records to determine if the condition is getting worse.
The choice of a treatment is based on the severity of your symptoms, the extent to which they affect your daily life, and the presence of any other medical conditions. If you are over 60, you are more likely to have symptoms. But many men with an enlarged prostate have only minor symptoms. Self-care steps are often enough to make you feel better.
If you have BPH, you should have a yearly exam to monitor the progression of your symptoms and determine if any changes in treatment are necessary.
For mild symptoms:
• Urinate when you first get the urge. Also, go to the bathroom when you have the chance, even if you don't feel a need to urinate.
• Avoid alcohol and caffeine, especially after dinner.
• Don't drink a lot of fluid all at once. Spread out fluids throughout the day. Avoid drinking fluids within 2 hours of bedtime.
• Try NOT to take over-the-counter cold and sinus medications that contain decongestants or antihistamines. These medications can increase BPH symptoms.
• Keep warm and exercise regularly. Cold weather and lack of physical activity may worsen symptoms.
• Learn and perform Kegal exercises (pelvic strengthening exercises).
• Reduce stress. Nervousness and tension can lead to more frequent urination.
• At last and the most important thing to do is Yoga. Here are the yogic program that will be the answer for your problem:
a. Postures:
Mandukasana 15 times
Pawanmuktasana-15times (right/left and both)
Bhujangasana with 5 varations
b. Breathing exercises(Pranayama): Kapalbhati-10min, Agnisar-7 round, Bahya Pranayama-5 round, Anulom vilom-5 min (for added benefits)
c. Mudra: Aswini Mudra-30 times 3 times a day